DEQ Wegmans Permit Hearing
Many people have asked for help navigating the wetlands and environmental impact information. We've provided a fantastic summary document at the bottom of this page, but before we get to that, here are some key dates & times to take note of.
Sunday, July 19th at 7:00 PM - Community Virtual Meeting
Protect Hanover leadership plans to host a Zoom discussion. The purpose is to cover the environmental issues that will be discussed in the hearing and answer any questions that you might have. When the meeting is about to begin, choose either the Web or Phone option to attend below:
Monday, July 20 at 6:30 PM - DEQ Virtual Permit Hearing
Whether you wish to speak or not, we encourage ALL community members to attend the hearing (either through web access or dialing in by phone) and show that you care about the impacts of this project. More information about the hearing and the permit documents can be found here:
Tuesday, August 4 - DEQ Comment Period Deadline
If you can't attend the virtual meeting (although every resident should try), the comment period to submit your letters to DEQ closes on Tuesday, August 4. This is a great opportunity to expand on your public comments or to speak out if you are unable to speak in the virtual setting.
Lets Talk About the EVIDENCE
This information is intended to help you understand WHY the Wegmans permit should be denied. There are many other issues and this is by no means exhaustive. Download the PDF file above where we've prepared a fantastic summary of the problems with the Wetlands Delineation performed on the proposed site. It also has emails (obtained through "Freedom of Information Act" requests) that indicate people were actively trying to lower the amount of wetlands that they would report, compared to what the initial findings indicated. After you read through it, please bring your questions to our community meeting on Sunday evening and there will be several experts there to provide some answers.