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Recent Updates

A timeline of the recent updates to this website.

4/17/2020 - A new "Summary Update" was published.


4/05/2020 - A well written letter, sent to the papers, from a prominent lawyer, saying it was ill advised to proceed with a public hearing during a pandemic.

4/03/2020  - We added some recent articles to our News section

3/28/2020 - "Summary Update" (to replace the "Week in Review" segment)

3/14/2020 - We created a "
Week in Review" page to capture additional activity you might have missed!

3/10/2020 - New Blog Entry - A guest contributor summarizes zoning changes

3/09/2020 - Added a "Recall Effort" Page

3/09/2020 - New Blog Entry - A Responsibly Built Distribution Center

03/06/2020 - Improved the Menu to include Sub Menus; Added a Site Index

03/05/2020 - New Blog Entry - Letters to the Editor: What are Butler Style Buildings

03/04/2020 - Added a "Property Values" Position Paper to Reports

03/03/2020 - Added an Issue Summary page that summarizes the zoning history of the proposed site, from 1994 through present day.

03/02/2020 - The website is live!

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